Lily’s first Halloween

Lily looked so cute in her little Dalmatian outfit. She wasn’t too sure of it at first but got more comfortable with it over time.

Since Lily is so little and we don’t need the candy we only took her to our next door neighbors house so we could get some pictures, then it was home so we could give away a little candy.

Lily's first Halloween

Lily's first Halloween

I took a bunch of pictures (of course) while we waited for the trick or treaters.

Lily's first Halloween

Lily's first Halloween

Lily's first Halloween

She really had fun playing with the candy but she didn’t get to eat any.

Lily's first Halloween

Lily's first Halloween

We only ended up with a couple of trick or treaters, this picture was taken right after the first ones left.

Right after we answered the door for the first trick or treaters

Our Halloween self portrait

Halloween self portriat

Things that make me happy

After the crappy way that yesterday started I have been thinking a lot about things that make me happy. In no particular order…

  • waking up being crushed between Waldo and Lily.
  • see how excited Lily gets when I come in the room
  • days Waldo get to come home for lunch
  • being able to stay home and spend all day with Lily
  • the silly little face Lily has been making all the time lately
  • a nice long shower with a good face scrub
  • reconnecting with an old friend (Hi Melissa)
  • being able to work a little from home
  • brownies
  • a clean kitchen, especially since Waldo cleaned it

Thinking about all this wonderful stuff really helped turn the day around.



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